"Story in the Shadow of the Refugee Regime:
A Talk by Mai-Linh K. Hong"
UC Irvine Humanities Center, 2.8.2022
See blog post
"Book Talk: The Auntie Sewing Squad Guide to
Mask Making, Radical Care, and Racial Justice"
Eastwind Books + Oakland Asian Cultural Center, 1.29.2022
Oral History Archive: The Auntie Sewing Squad
CSU Monterey Bay, 5.4.2021
I had the honor of being part of a new oral history archive documenting the work of the Auntie Sewing Squad. Check out the video interview. The project is directed by Dr. Chrissy Lau, a historian at CSU Monterey Bay and my coeditor for the Auntie Sewing Squad book.
"The Roots of Anti-Asian Racism in the U.S. and Beyond"
Rising Up With Sonali, 3.22.2021
I spoke with Sonali Kolhatkar, host of Rising Up With Sonali, regarding the Atlanta spa shootings and the anti-Asian racism and misogyny that led to it. The syndicated news program aired on Pacifica Radio and Free Speech TV.
The interview was an opportunity to expand on the statement I co-authored for the Circle for Asian American Literary Studies.
"Solidarity Through Community Mask Production"
People's Health Movement, 1.30.2021
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I've been sewing and donating cloth face masks through the Auntie Sewing Squad, a mutual aid collective run mostly by women of color that has donated 300,000 masks to vulnerable communities. Our work responds to U.S. government failure and structural inequality. In July 2020, I spoke with the People's Health Movement about my mask making and the Auntie Sewing Squad's work.
other media
Radio story on Auntie Sewing Squad book event, KPFA Saturday Evening News, 1.29.2022 (21:50 mark)
"Stitching Together a Better Tomorrow: Audrey Wu Clark on Hong et al., The Auntie Sewing Squad Guide," Society for U.S. Intellectual History, 1.21.2022
"The Revolutionary Aunties," Nichi Bei, 1.1.2022
"Read Here Now: 3 Essential Books by Radical Performing Artists," KQED, 12.1.2021
"20 Years Later, Yell-Oh Girls! Is Still Revolutionary," MIC, 11.23.2021
"We Asked Actual Academics to Review Netflix's 'The Chair,'" VICE News, 8.25.2021
"One Size Does Not Fit All: Hobby and Craft Books 2021," Publishers Weekly, 8.13.2021
"Stop Asian hate, Stop Black hate, stop all hate: Many Americans call for unity against racism," USA Today, 3.22.2021
"What to keep in mind as you talk about the Atlanta spa shootings," The Lily, published by the Washington Post, 3.22.2021
"Statement by CAALS C-Chairs Regarding Atlanta Spa Shootings," Circle for Asian American Literary Studies, 3.17.2021
"‘Biệt Ä‘á»™i’ các bà các cô may khẩu trang cho cá»™ng đồng yếu thế ở Mỹ," VOA Vietnamese, 12.7.2020